
Interface Fall 2010

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FALL 2010


MoWe Syllabus



Posters from Past Shows by e3





Josh C.

Joshua K.

Katy C.








Ashley C

Ashley P.





Katie A.
Man Ee





From The Catalog:

In this class we will focus on designing and fabricating interactive and kinetic artwork. Students will learn how to design and implement hybrid art systems that can use computers or circuits to interface with sensors, motors, video, sound, pneumatics and lights. Basic skills include: electronics, mechanical engineering, metal fabrication, fabrication and design strategies, computer programming (with object-based applications) and control of media. Field trips to military/industrial salvage yards and artist studios and visits from artists will augment technical instruction, lab time and theoretical discourse. Topics include: the nature of interfaces, narration in random access environments, the poetic potential in electromechanical devices, interactivity and isolation, and integrating time-based mediums.


LINKS  mentioned in class:


  • Cycling74 The authors of Max/MSP and Jitter.  lots of support in the forums and the place to download your very own copy of the software.
  • MakingThings Support for the make Boards and lots of resources for the countless way to use it.
  • Arduino The opensource cult of the Arduino micro controller!  This is a great place to find demos and hacks for specific sensors and actuators as well as all the support you would expect for the Arduino.
  • Hackaday This is a great source for inspirational trinkets as well as finding specific answers in their archives.  A good RSS if you roll like that
  • Barney's List of research links when stuck, scanning this page is like WD40 and an impact driver.
  • Make Magazine lots of projects, check out the paper versions in the library.
  • Sparkfun you need/they have 
  • MakingThings OSC commands 

Grade Breakdown:


Attendance: Miss 3 classes lose 1 grade point, miss 4 you will not pass

Active participation in class labs and punctuality 10%



  • Assignment 1:  Chaotic Motion 10%
  • Assignment 2:  Presentation Artist Report 10%
  • Assignment 3:  Preliminary Proposal & Individual Meetings 10%
  • Assignment 4: Progress Reports
  • Assignment 5:  Final Critique 25%
  • FINAL: Timely Completion of Final Project for Presentation in an Exhibition 35%


NOTE: Missed or late assignments will result in the loss of associated percentage


Assignment Descriptions and Due Dates:

Assignment 1: Chaotic Motion -Due 9/27 | 9/28 

Identify and bring in for a class presentation something that moves unpredictably - it can be mechanical, a household object, fabricated or found. Don't forget heat rises, light is very fast and gravity tends to make things fall. One caveat however, this project should be a combination, collage or construction of multiple components. For instance, a toy or a balloon in and of itself would not suffice, but an interaction between the two would.


Assignment 2: Artist Presentations-Due 10/4 | 10/5

Pick an artist or group working in the field of kinetic, electronic or interactive art. Prepare an audio-visual presentation for the class. Web sites, videos, and power point presentations are appropriate mediums for the presentation. They should be 5 to 10 minutes in length.

Some Starting Points ( Barney Haynes' List )

Steve Wilsons Massive List


Assignment 3: Preliminary Proposal -Due 10/20 | 10/21 | 10/25 | 10/26

Written preliminary scope of work explaining and illustrating your proposed project for the final show following guidelines provided. We will analyze the proposed projects for feasibility and set up individual meetings to discuss the proposals during Week 6.


Assignment 4:Progress Reports -Due 11/29 | 11/30

Present materials ( drawings, written descriptions, working components) detailing your final project proposal to class.


 Assignment 5: FINAL CRITIQUE -DUE 12/13 | 12/14

Show Friday 12/17

You do not want to miss this show. 

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