

Page history last edited by abehrmann@cca.edu 14 years, 3 months ago


Treatment for Payback Time

By: Adam Behrmann


Payback Time is a simulation of your standard desktop computer/office environment. The participant is encouraged to engage with the piece by the promised reward of a BUBBLE GUM BALL if they turn a crank around about 1000 times. However, the participant also has to bare the noise of sheep playing out of two speakers every time they turn the crank. The “screen” is a basic metal frame bent out of tubular metal. Within the frame is a stick with a ball that travels across the width of the frame as the participant turns the crank. Once the pointer reaches the other end of the frame it swings back and hits a bell, at which point a bubble gum ball is released for the participant. The crank the participant turns is symbolic of the mouse that many of us use during our day jobs.

One goal of this piece is for it to be self sufficient without the aid of computer programing, or electricity from the grid. I would like all the power for this piece to come from the participant turning the crank. Major components include DC motors, a device to play the music through, and the metal which I will need to fabricate into the proposed structure.

The main challenge Im having right now is how to get the sound to play from a device that is powered by a hand crank.

This project is a reaction to industrialized labor which isolates the worker who is subjected to repetitive, monotonous, mind numbing labor, for petty rewards.





Paul Clipson


BEND SINISTER (2007) excerpt from Paul Clipson on Vimeo.




WITHIN MIRRORS (2008) excerpt from Paul Clipson on Vimeo.




WATERCOLOR NIGHT MONTAGE NO.7 (2006) excerpt from Paul Clipson on Vimeo.





THE PHANTOM HARP (2007) excerpt from Paul Clipson on Vimeo.



SPHINX ON THE SEINE (2008-2009) excerpt from Paul Clipson on Vimeo.

Comments (3)

north said

at 1:31 pm on Nov 5, 2010

A nice piece which deftly employs a cam to strike a blow. http://vimeo.com/1609126

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